Official Module System Documentation: Part 10

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Mount&Blade has a built-in edit mode which lets you modify the game from within the game itself. Using Mount&Blade's edit mode is probably the most fun part of making a module. This section briefly explains using this feature.


[edit] 1.1 Enabling the Edit Mode

Before you can use the edit mode, you need to enable it from the configuration file. In order to do that, click on the configure button after you launch Mount&Blade and check off the check-box that says "Enable Edit Mode." Note that the game may run with reduced performance when the edit mode is enabled, so you may want to disable it back when you are finished with it.

[edit] 1.2 Edit Mode Basics

Once it is enabled, you can enter the edit mode in the game by pressing Ctrl and E keys simultaneously. Edit mode will do different things in different screens. You can leave edit mode by pressing Ctrl+E keys once again or by simply leaving the current screen.

Edit mode will change the game's behaviour in basically three screens:

[edit] 1.3 Using Edit Mode in Action Screen

Entering the edit mode in Action Screen will let you modify scene objects. Information on scene objects for each scene is stored in a file with .sco extension that is stored under your module/SceneObj folder. You can edit these objects by going to the scene you wish to edit in the game and then pressing the Ctrl+E keys.

To be completed later...

[edit] 1.4 Using Edit Mode in Face Generator Screen

If you wish to copy a custom face-code, you can use edit mode to save it. When creating a new character, edit the face to your liking and then, with Edit Mode enabled, press Ctrl+E. A small string of text will show up on the top of the screen. To copy this, click on it. You can then paste it into a text file to save it, or use it as a custom face for an NPC.

[edit] 1.5 Using Edit Mode in Terrain Generator Screen


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