Shaking Camera Script

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[edit] Description

This is a script written for both Warband, SP & MP. It makes the camera shake (change rotation along x/z direction randomly) every 0.01 second and generates an effect similar to explosions, earthquakes etc...

[edit] Knowledge/Tools Required

[edit] Script

[edit] Addition to Module_scripts

Place the below anywhere in module_scripts,

		(assign, "$shake", ":n"),
		(assign, "$shake_x", ":loc_shake_x"),
		(assign, "$shake_z", ":loc_shake_z"),

[edit] Addition to Module_mission_templates

Place the below trigger in the required mission_templates,

	### Camera Shake ###
        # Part 1 - rotate the camera a random value from 0 to shake_x/z
	(0.01, 0, 0, [],[ # Changes angle every 0.01 second, value of 0.01 can be changed 
                          # for different effects
			(ge, "$shake", 1),
			(assign, "$cam_drx", ":drx"),
			(assign, "$cam_drz", ":drz"),
				(eq, "$shake", 1),
				(mission_cam_set_mode, 0),
			(val_sub, "$shake", 1),
        # Part 2 - make camera follow changed rotation every frame
	(0, 0, 0, [],[
			(gt, "$shake", 0),
			(mission_cam_set_mode, 1),
			(get_player_agent_no, ":p_agent"),
			(agent_get_look_position, pos0, ":p_agent"),	
				(eq, ":horse", -1),
			(position_rotate_x, pos0, "$cam_drx"),
			(position_rotate_z, pos0, "$cam_drz"),
			(mission_cam_set_position, pos0),			

[edit] Trigger the camera script

Add the following line where appropriate, i.e. after grenade explodes etc...

(call_script, "script_shake_camera", 100, 5, 12), # no. of shakes, max rotate x, max rotate z

[edit] Credits

By Sonkidd.

Open source; use and edit at will. Credits given where appropriate would be appreciated, but not necessary.

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