String register

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String registers, sometimes referred to as s# or sreg for short, are a variation on standard registers that are used to contain a string that can be "embedded" in another text string which will be displayed in dialogue or messages. When embedded into a string, they are one of the four methods of producing dynamic text for the player (the others being registers, conditional strings, and gender strings).

[edit] Using string registers

String registers are used by inserting them ("embedding them") into a text string between braces ("{" and "}"). When the text is displayed to the player, the contents of the string register are substituted in place of the braces. Note that spaces and other text inside a string register is included literally, exactly as written.

String registers have fixed variable names, being identified by the letter "s" followed by a number starting from 0. The following text string:

You dare question the might of {s43}?! Prepare to die, {s5}!

contains two string registers, corresponding to ID numbers 5 and 43, which will have to be filled with content prior to being displayed to the player. These string registers can be assigned values by using the string register manipulation functions to assign values to s5 and s53; in this case, the most likely functions used would be str_store_string_faction_name for s43 and str_store_string_troop_name for s5.

[edit] Manipulating string registers

String registers can be manipulated with the various string register functions. The first parameter is always the ID of the string register to assign a value to. The second parameter, if included, is the ID of the object to extract the name from.

Function Parameters Notes
str_is_empty register Condition function. Returns 1 if the specified register is not in use (has been cleared or has never been assigned), 0 otherwise
str_clear register Clears the contents of register — rarely necessary, but chiefly useful to clean up if you stored a very large amount of text in a register that is unlikely to be overwritten
str_store_string register, string Stores the string or quick string string into register
str_store_string_reg register, register2 Copies register2 over register
str_store_troop_name register, troop Stores the name of the specified troop (e.g., Sarranid Mameluke) in register
str_store_troop_name_plural register, troop Stores the plural name of the specified troop (e.g., Sarranid Mamelukes) in register
str_store_troop_name_by_count register, troop, number Intelligently stores the single name of the specified troop if number is equal to 1, or the plural name otherwise, in register
str_store_item_name register, item Stores the name of the specified item (e.g., Leather Gloves) in register
str_store_party_name register, party Stores the world map name of the specified party (e.g., Bandits Awaiting Ransom) in register
str_store_agent_name register, agent Stores the name of the specified agent (e.g., Nervous Man) in register
str_store_faction_name register, faction Stores the name of the specified faction (e.g., Kingdom of Sarranids) in register
str_store_quest_name register, quest Stores the name of the specified quest (e.g., Ransom Kidnapped Girl from Bandits) in register
str_store_info_page_name register, infopage Stores the name of the info page infopage (e.g., Military Campaigns) into register
str_store_date register, hours Adds the specified number of hours to the current game date and then stores the new name into register; set hours to 0 to use the current date
str_store_troop_name_link register, troop Stores the hyperlinked troop name to the info page of the specified troop in register; intended only for info pages, and should be used only for unique troops (lords and heroes)
str_store_party_name_link register, party As above, but for a party; intended only for info pages
str_store_faction_name_link register, faction Stores the hyperlinked faction name that leads to the faction info page of the specified faction in register; intended only for info pages
str_store_quest_name_link register, quest Stores the hyperlinked quest name that leads to the quest info page of the specified quest in register; intended only for info pages. If the quest no longer exists, the hyperlink will still exist but will do nothing when clicked.
str_store_class_name register, class Warband: Unknown. Related to multiplayer?
str_store_player_username register, player Warband: Stores the username of the player on the multiplayer server in register; undefined behaviour in single player mode
str_store_server_password register Warband: Stores the unencrypted raw server password specified when the multiplayer server was created in register; undefined behaviour in single player mode
str_store_server_name register Warband: Stores the name specified when the multiplayer server was created in register; undefined behaviour in single player mode
str_store_welcome_message register Warband: Stores the welcome message specified when the multiplayer server was created in register; undefined behaviour in single player mode
str_encode_url register Warband: Unknown. Stores an HTML-encoded link to the multiplayer server that can be posted online?

Invalid functions:

str_store_item_name_plural register, item Should return the plural name for the item, but there are no plural names for items
str_store_item_name_by_count register, item, number Should intelligently return the plural name for the item based on the number, but there are no plural names for items
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