Yoshiboy's SSAO

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[edit] Description

Yoshiboy created a Screen Space Ambient Occlusion shader for Mount&Blade. It adds depth to the models simulating cheaply the parts occluded from the light.

This effect started to gain traction in the game industry when was originally introduced by the game Crysis, from Crytek.

float3 normal_from_depth(float depth, float2 texcoords) {
  const float2 offset1 = float2(0.0,0.001);
  const float2 offset2 = float2(0.001,0.0);
  float depth1 = tex2D(DepthTextureSampler, texcoords + offset1).r;
  float depth2 = tex2D(DepthTextureSampler, texcoords + offset2).r;
  float3 p1 = float3(offset1, depth1 - depth);
  float3 p2 = float3(offset2, depth2 - depth);
  float3 normal = cross(p1, p2);
  normal.z = -normal.z;
  return normalize(normal);
  PS_OUTPUT Output;
  const float total_strength = 1.0;
  const float base = 0.2;
  const float area = 0.0075;
  const float falloff = 0.000001;
  const float radius = 0.0002;
  const int samples = 16;
  float3 sample_sphere[samples] = {
      float3( 0.5381, 0.1856,-0.4319), float3( 0.1379, 0.2486, 0.4430),
      float3( 0.3371, 0.5679,-0.0057), float3(-0.6999,-0.0451,-0.0019),
      float3( 0.0689,-0.1598,-0.8547), float3( 0.0560, 0.0069,-0.1843),
      float3(-0.0146, 0.1402, 0.0762), float3( 0.0100,-0.1924,-0.0344),
      float3(-0.3577,-0.5301,-0.4358), float3(-0.3169, 0.1063, 0.0158),
      float3( 0.0103,-0.5869, 0.0046), float3(-0.0897,-0.4940, 0.3287),
      float3( 0.7119,-0.0154,-0.0918), float3(-0.0533, 0.0596,-0.5411),
      float3( 0.0352,-0.0631, 0.5460), float3(-0.4776, 0.2847,-0.0271)
  float3 random = normalize( tex2D(RandomTextureSampler, In.Tex0 * 4.0).rgb );
  float depth = tex2D(DepthTextureSampler, In.Tex0).r;
  float3 position = float3(In.Tex0, depth);
  float3 normal = normal_from_depth(depth, In.Tex0);
  float radius_depth = radius/depth;
  float occlusion = 0.0;
  for(int i=0; i < samples; i++) {
    float3 ray = radius_depth * reflect(sample_sphere[i], random);
    float3 hemi_ray = position + sign(dot(ray,normal)) * ray;
    float occ_depth = tex2D(DepthTextureSampler, saturate(hemi_ray.xy)).r;
    float difference = depth - occ_depth;
    occlusion += step(falloff, difference) * (1.0-smoothstep(falloff, area, difference));
  float ao = 1.0 - total_strength * occlusion * (1.0 / samples);
  Output.RGBColor = saturate(ao + base);
  return Output;

[edit] Source

Source Page and main article: http://www.theorangeduck.com/page/pure-depth-ssao

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